About OSO Research

OSO Researchとは?
OSO Researchは小野寺匠吾建築設計事務所(Office Shogo Onodera | OSO )の建築設計プロジェクトの中で、並走または独走してリサーチ·実験·協議·マネジメントなどを進め、常に設計とオーバーラップしながらコンセプトやデザインを高めていくチームである。メンバー構成は建築家だけでなく、リサーチャー·アーティスト·プロジェクトマネージャー·翻訳者など様々なフィールドでキャリアを持ってきた人たちの集まりとなっている。
ここ数年の設計活動の中で、環境的な解決方法の模索 / データ収集のリサーチ/ エビデンス取得のための実験 / 実装のための協議·調整など、現代および未来に求められている価値の質をアウトプットするためには、従来の設計業務の範疇だけでは到底カバーできないほどの活動が業務として必要になってきている。またその解決方法は建築だけでなく、環境·アート·デジタルなど領域を横断しての検討や実装が必要となってきたと言える。
OSOでは2021年半ばに関西·大阪万博2025のシグネチャーパビリオンの設計を担当したことをきっかけに、2022年のはじめにOSOリサーチを発足。パビリオンのための環境的なコンセプトの創出やサスティナブルマテリアルの開発、さらには展示計画の設計にいたるまでの活動を、OSOおよびOSO Researchで行い、建築の設計を行いながら、各種協議、取材、リサーチ、実験などを行ってきている。
そして発足から1年ほど経った今、万博を始め様々な案件からスピンオフしたプロジェクト、設計案件のためのリサーチや実証のために始まったプロジェクトがいくつか立ち上がり、このタイミングで活動を整理して発信してみることにした。ここでいうスピンオフとは主に、設計活動だけでは抱えきれなくなった大きなテーマや、設計するために押さえておかなくてはいけない課題を解決するために、OSOからスピンオフしてOSO Researchで抱えるようになった案件などをいう。すなわちここでの活動はもちろん設計活動にダイレクトに反映されるし、設計だけじゃないゴールを持って建築以外の多種多様なアウトプットを可能としている。
OSO Researchは小野寺匠吾建築設計事務所(Office Shogo Onodera | OSO )の建築設計プロジェクトの中で、並走または独走してリサーチ·実験·協議·マネジメントなどを進め、常に設計とオーバーラップしながらコンセプトやデザインを高めていくチームである。メンバー構成は建築家だけでなく、リサーチャー·アーティスト·プロジェクトマネージャー·翻訳者など様々なフィールドでキャリアを持ってきた人たちの集まりとなっている。
ここ数年の設計活動の中で、環境的な解決方法の模索 / データ収集のリサーチ/ エビデンス取得のための実験 / 実装のための協議·調整など、現代および未来に求められている価値の質をアウトプットするためには、従来の設計業務の範疇だけでは到底カバーできないほどの活動が業務として必要になってきている。またその解決方法は建築だけでなく、環境·アート·デジタルなど領域を横断しての検討や実装が必要となってきたと言える。
OSOでは2021年半ばに関西·大阪万博2025のシグネチャーパビリオンの設計を担当したことをきっかけに、2022年のはじめにOSOリサーチを発足。パビリオンのための環境的なコンセプトの創出やサスティナブルマテリアルの開発、さらには展示計画の設計にいたるまでの活動を、OSOおよびOSO Researchで行い、建築の設計を行いながら、各種協議、取材、リサーチ、実験などを行ってきている。
そして発足から1年ほど経った今、万博を始め様々な案件からスピンオフしたプロジェクト、設計案件のためのリサーチや実証のために始まったプロジェクトがいくつか立ち上がり、このタイミングで活動を整理して発信してみることにした。ここでいうスピンオフとは主に、設計活動だけでは抱えきれなくなった大きなテーマや、設計するために押さえておかなくてはいけない課題を解決するために、OSOからスピンオフしてOSO Researchで抱えるようになった案件などをいう。すなわちここでの活動はもちろん設計活動にダイレクトに反映されるし、設計だけじゃないゴールを持って建築以外の多種多様なアウトプットを可能としている。
What is OSO Research?
At OSO Research, the team works as its own entity or alongside the projects run by Office Shogo Onodera / OSO to drive the research, experiments, discussions and management, to give depth and integrity to concepts and designs, whilst further developing architectural / technical details. The members are not just architects - we are a collective of people who have built up their careers in various fields, such as researchers, artists, project managers and translators.
In the past few years, it became more and more apparent that there is a vast amount of work outside the usual realms of architectural design. In order to produce quality, valuable outputs that are relevant today and in the future, we need to search for potential environmentally-conscious solutions, research to collect data, carry out experiments to build an evidence-based case, and continue to discuss or co-ordinate towards implementations of such projects. These solutions have also increasingly needed to be considered or manifested beyond architecture, crossing environmental, art and digital boundaries.
OSO Research was launched at the start of 2022, after being given the role to design the signature pavilion in the previous year for Osaka Expo 2025 in Japan. From the creation of environmental concepts, development of sustainable materials, and even to the exhibition curation, OSO Research undertook the works with OSO, holding numerous debates and interviews, carrying out research and conducting experiments, whilst progressing with architectural design.
Coming to almost a year since its launch, we have been able to build up a portfolio of spin-off projects that were born out of numerous schemes including the Expo, as well as ones that began as research and demonstrations for project proposals. We felt that now was a good time to recollect our thoughts and share our missions.
By “spin-offs”, we mainly refer to the projects that have stemmed from OSO and extended to OSO Research in order to resolve major themes that are beyond architectural design or issues that needed to be addressed for the design. It means that the work is indeed reflected directly in the design process, and allows a huge variety of outputs beyond architecture without being bound by the goal to design.
We chose to use ‘Figjam’ as the platform to share our work. This has been a brilliant tool for our team in the past year as it is interactive and intuitive, with minimal time lag between our thought and recording processes. This is why we felt it was only right to use Figjam to publicly showcase our activities ‘live’, as it continues to be updated, where themes and work limitlessly extend in all sorts of directions like we seem to do. This page looks like a beta version as we have only begun making it, but we are planning to keep it this way for the foreseeable.
If you can see how our various thoughts and projects interrelate and transform live on this platform, we believe that you are perceiving us, the collective, in our true colours.
At OSO Research, the team works as its own entity or alongside the projects run by Office Shogo Onodera / OSO to drive the research, experiments, discussions and management, to give depth and integrity to concepts and designs, whilst further developing architectural / technical details. The members are not just architects - we are a collective of people who have built up their careers in various fields, such as researchers, artists, project managers and translators.
In the past few years, it became more and more apparent that there is a vast amount of work outside the usual realms of architectural design. In order to produce quality, valuable outputs that are relevant today and in the future, we need to search for potential environmentally-conscious solutions, research to collect data, carry out experiments to build an evidence-based case, and continue to discuss or co-ordinate towards implementations of such projects. These solutions have also increasingly needed to be considered or manifested beyond architecture, crossing environmental, art and digital boundaries.
OSO Research was launched at the start of 2022, after being given the role to design the signature pavilion in the previous year for Osaka Expo 2025 in Japan. From the creation of environmental concepts, development of sustainable materials, and even to the exhibition curation, OSO Research undertook the works with OSO, holding numerous debates and interviews, carrying out research and conducting experiments, whilst progressing with architectural design.
Coming to almost a year since its launch, we have been able to build up a portfolio of spin-off projects that were born out of numerous schemes including the Expo, as well as ones that began as research and demonstrations for project proposals. We felt that now was a good time to recollect our thoughts and share our missions.
By “spin-offs”, we mainly refer to the projects that have stemmed from OSO and extended to OSO Research in order to resolve major themes that are beyond architectural design or issues that needed to be addressed for the design. It means that the work is indeed reflected directly in the design process, and allows a huge variety of outputs beyond architecture without being bound by the goal to design.
We chose to use ‘Figjam’ as the platform to share our work. This has been a brilliant tool for our team in the past year as it is interactive and intuitive, with minimal time lag between our thought and recording processes. This is why we felt it was only right to use Figjam to publicly showcase our activities ‘live’, as it continues to be updated, where themes and work limitlessly extend in all sorts of directions like we seem to do. This page looks like a beta version as we have only begun making it, but we are planning to keep it this way for the foreseeable.
If you can see how our various thoughts and projects interrelate and transform live on this platform, we believe that you are perceiving us, the collective, in our true colours.
◽️ 体制表 / Organization